Hello fellow spreaders, I bring very exciting news:

  • Online Leaderboard integrated into the game
  • Brand new, never before seen, door mechanics
  • Improved performance
  • Reduced file size from 700Mb to 274Mb, same spreading action, less space on your computer.

Stay Spreadable,

The "the" Spreader.

Files 274 MB
62 days ago


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The door may be the most important design decision in this game ever. The pacing of the game is perfect, but always suffered from the timer counting down immediately after the player presses the restart button. With the inclusion of the brand new door mechanic, the player is in control of their own pacing, allowed to begin the game at any desired moment, which may be greatest contribution to pacing in storytelling ever conceived. I am in control. I choose to go in and spread. I am spreading. I am the spreader. That is the player experience.


I'm very happy to read that, spread wisely and spread with love <3


Very cool will try in a week :thumbsup:

Let me know how the spread flows